Branching out
Type words as quickly as possible and help your tree to branch out!
Words on left will add branches to the left and words on the right side will add branches to the right. Make sure you keep your tree in balance and don't let it break.
You have 5 seconds to type each word. And most importantly Have Fun!
Game made by team of 2 for Trijam-182 game jam:
Andreas, Tõnu
Assets and credits:
Music by PianoAmor from Pixabay
Sound Effect from Pixabay
Thanks for all the nice feedback :)
And paste on that feedback I have made some updates:
- Added screen shake and sound effects when mistake is made.
- Added a dark outline to the text you type.
- Added a custom loading screen.
build.zip 8.5 MB
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I was checking old winners and this game really stands out! awesome gamepla
Nice game, couldn't get past 33
Still play this game every now and then, I love typing games.
gj anon
Really great idea, but I would love to see some screenshake or any other indication that I failed to spell...
Great idea!
Love it! Even correct on non-english keyboards - so you test the chars entered, not the keys pressed. Good work!
Great idea. I managed 29 twice. Great pixel art.